Health & pharmaceuticals

Sam commenced working in the pharmaceutical sector in the late 1990s when commissioned by the Stephens Review, looking into the supply of blood and blood products in Australia, to examine the microeconomics of the blood products sector. After completing this work and advising on the merger between CSL and Aventis Behring, he became Chief Economist at CSL, working on a wide range of internal projects. During this period, he undertook a considerable body of of work on the economics of pharmaceutical R&D, influenza vaccine markets, markets for blood products and blood donor behaviour. He continues to advise the CSL influenza vaccine subsidiary, Seqirus, on a range of economic issues.

As a consultant advising Seqirus since 2015, including the following:

Contribution of Seqirus to the UK economy: estimating the contribution of Seqirus UK operations to the local economy using input output modelling.

The value of pandemic protection: development of a Monte Carlo model to estimate the value of various pandemic protection measures to the UK economy.

Microeconomic analysis of influenza vaccine markets: analysis of local and global influenza vaccine markets and the impact of strategic decisions by market participants on likely market developments.

Statistical analysis of plant performance: expert report on the statistical characteristics of observed incidence of plant failure at a vaccine manufacturing facility.

As a consultant advising CSL Limited since 2009, including the following:

Contribution of CSL to the Australian economy: for a period of 8 years, Sam estimated the contribution of CSL’s Australian operations to the local economy using input output modelling.

Assessment of the performance drivers of CSL’s manufacturing operations in Australia: using an innovative application of total factor productivity, and index number-based approach for measuring economic efficiency.

Public policy: submissions to State and Commonwealth governments for assistance with several large-scale investments by CSL. Public submissions on government support for education,  research and development, taxation and Australian advanced manufacturing, and government policy towards innovation.

Epidemiology and the risk of  donor infection resulting in product contamination: modelling and analysis of the impact of regulation on the risk that blood products will get contaminated with transmissible viruses using a Monte Carlo simulation model of the collection and manufacturing process.

As Chief Economist at CSL Limited (from 2004 to 2009), Sam worked on a broad range of economic, commercial and strategic issues .

Strategy: developing strategy for CSL in the international blood therapeutic products and pharmaceutical markets, assess future avenues for growth and development at CSL, and understand the impact of global and local trends on business performance; including assessment of M&A opportunities.

Public policy: preparing submissions to governments, and presenting CSL’s positions to government, media and other interested parties. Support for the CEO on public policy positions.

Health-economic analysis:  pharmacoeconomic and related analysis in relevant business areas including influenza vaccine, enhanced influenza vaccine, HPV vaccination (Gardasil), blood and plasma products. Econometric analysis of plasma donor behaviour in different locations.

Economic analysis:  market characteristics, pricing, M&A, financial performance and competition issues.

Internal education and executive support: part of team of senior managers speaking to Executive and Global Leadership Programs. Responsible for communicating strategy at internal forums.

Support for internal programs across the group: projects included assessment of cost allocations into products, analysis of donor behaviour, optimisation of plasma donation centres, assessment of viral infection epidemiology and end-product safety.

Negotiation: twice member of the CSL negotiation team for the Australian Fractionation Agreement with the National Blood Authority.

Mergers and acquisition: assistance with the ZLB Aventis Behring merger by modelling international plasma fractionation markets — analysis and modelling of US, European and world plasma fractionation industry.

Public policy: assistance to the Stephens Committee examining the future supply of blood and blood-related products in Australia, providing expert reports on the economics of plasma therapeutic products involving comprehensive analysis of the plasma fractionation industry in Australia.

Public policy: assistance to the Stephens Committee on the blood-based diagnostic products (used in blood typing for transfusions) in Australia.

Public policy: advice to Department of Health on the optimal structure of general practices.

Public policy: advice to Department of Health on the economics of the pathology services sector in Australia.

Public policy: member of Department of Health Committee reviewing several key Commonwealth procurement contracts.

Public policy: advice to the Royal Australian College of GPs on competition law issues arising in their activities.